Raising children is one of the important duties enjoined by Allah to the parents. This can be well understood from the words of Allah and his messenger (sallahu alahi wasallam). Allah says: “O you who believe! Ward off yourselves and your families against a Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, ...
Read More »Can Imaam lead salah whilst sitting? How should the people behind him pray?
Question: If the imam is physically hurt , can he lead the Salah (prayer) while sitting and praying? Also if he is unable to lead prayer standing, is it recommended for him to let a healthier person lead the prayer, that is a person who can stand and lead the prayer?” Answer: Praise by to Allah! The only criteria for appointing a ...
Read More »Did the companions avoid stepping or stamping where Prophet walked? D
Question: I am in Madinah and someone said here that Sahabah never ever stepped or stamped where our Prophet walked, out of love & respect. Please elaborate. Answer: Praise by to Allah! The claim that Sahaabah never ever stepped or stamped where our Prophet (Sallalahu alahi wasalam) walked is nothing more than a lie and exaggeration. Many indulge in Ghulu ...
Read More »Should steps be taken to avoid spread of contagious diseases like avoiding contact with sick person?
Question: Assalamu alaikum, Should we take precautions to avoid contact with someon who got infected with chicken pox at house as its known its a contagious disease, avoiding contact in the sense not secluding but just avoiding sharing towel, bed-sheet, etc as it says in hadeeth about the camel one where prophet pbuh asked faman a’adal awwal? So should we avoid normal contact ...
Read More »What are the rights and duties of a lady as a daughter in law in Islam
Question: What are the rights and duties of a lady as a daughter in law in Islam? Answer: Praise be to Allah. Honoring your mother-in-law is something that is to be appreciated, and no one can deny that. Rather what you are doing is in accordance with Islam and common sense. By doing that you are earning the pleasure of your husband ...
Read More »Al ghamghamah by Maulana Abdul jaleel samrudi (الغمغمة في سنية التسمية عند الاطعمة و غيرها دون)
Al-ghamghamah (الغمغمة) in Arabic means “Mumbling”. This book (musnaf مصنف), a classic from Maulana Abdul Jaleel Samroodi, was written in 1918 on the matter of “Basmallah”. Maulana gave an comprehensive explanation of when Basmallah is said and when it is not. Al-ghamghamah in sunni tasmiyah at the time of consuming food or at other times (الغمغمة في سنية التسمية عند ...
Read More »Permissibility of marrying a girl whose menses has not started
Question: Can I marry a girl whose menses has not yet started? I am confused about this issue and need a detailed explanation from Islamic point of view. Can a girl whose menstruation has not yet started be given in marriage? plz clear my doubt. Answer: It is permissible to marry a young girl (before she reaches the age of ...
Read More »Is the meat imported in Saudi Arabia Halaal or Haram?
Question: Is the meat imported in Saudi Arabia Halaal or Haram? Answer: Praise be to Allah. This is a very common question asked by many these days and is a result of the continuous effort of some to defame and destroy the image of Saudi Arabia in the eyes of Muslims around the World. The haters of this “Land of Tawheed” ...
Read More »Curse Of Allah Be Upon He Who Shelters An Innovation – explanation by Shaykh Salih Al Fawzaan
Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said, “The curse of Allah be upon him who slaughters for other than Allah, the cruse of Allah be upon him who curses his father, the curse of Allah be upon him who alters the borders/fringes of the land, the curse of Allah be upon he who shelters a wrong doer (i.e. a criminal or an innovation)“ ...
Read More »Matn Al-Bayquniyyah fi Mustalah Al-Hadith (متن البيقونية في علم مصطلح الحديث)
Matn Al-Bayquniyyah fi Mustalah Al-Hadith (متن البيقونية في علم مصطلح الحديث) is an amazing timeless primer in poetry form which mentions the various classification of hadith. It is a 34 line rhythmic text in the form of poetry which was authored to introduce the hadith sciences to those who do not have prior knowledge of it. It has a broad scope, ...
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