Question & Answer

Why do Muslims consume Non-vegg food?

Around the world, “Vegetarinism” is now a massive movement. Many even associate it with animal rights. Indeed, a large number of people consider the consumption of meat and other non-vegetarian products to be a violation of animal rights. Islam enjoins mercy and compassion for all living creatures. At the same time Islam maintains that Allah has created the earth and ...

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Why are most Muslims Fundamentalists & Terrorists?

The title of being Fundamentalists or Terrorists is often hurled at Muslims, either directly or indirectly, during any discussion on religion or world affairs. Muslim stereotypes are perpetuated in every form of the media accompanied by gross misinformation about Islam and Muslims. In fact, such wrong information and false propaganda often leads to discrimination, hatred and acts of violence against ...

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Why is Eating of Pork prohibited in Islam?

The fact that consumption of pork is prohibited in Islam is well known. The following points explain various aspects of this prohibition: Pork prohibited in Qur’an The Qur’an prohibits the consumption of pork in no less than 4 different places. It is prohibited in 2:173, 5:3, 6:145 and 16:115. “Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh ...

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Why is Consumption of Alcohol prohibited in Islam?

Alcohol has been a scourge of human society since time immemorial. It continues to cost countless human lives, and causes terrible misery to millions throughout the world. Alcohol is the root cause of several problems facing society. The statistics of soaring crime rates, increasing instances of mental illnesses and millions of broken homes throughout the world bear mute testimony to ...

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