Man cannot merely live on planet earth by his wits or instincts alone, he needs divine guidance that the Merciful Allah (God) provides by way of divine books and role models called Prophets or Messengers.
From the very day that man took his first step on earth, he was shown the WAY, the LIGHT, and the TRUTH. The reason being the first man on earth was also the first prophet of Allah. Man was not abandon by Allah on earth as some philosophers believe, but took a great leap forward on earth where he was given the free will to choose Allah’s way or another.
Man is at his best when he exercises his choice in submission to Allah’s will or way. Choosing a path or way opposite to what God has shown by way of His prophets, man puts himself in peril, anguish and doom.
Have you lost your way in life and are searching for a way out of your misery, innate unhappiness, and a way back to a natural way of life? How do I find my way back to the One and Only True God? May be a question perplexing you.
Upper most in your mind would be the question where do I begin my search?
The right place to start looking is in the Glorious QUR’AN, God’s Last Testament to mankind. No other book supplied to so many and over so long a span of time, a comprehensive answer to the question, “How shall I behave in order to achieve the good life in this world and happiness in the life to come?”
The QUR’AN which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) over a period of 23 years through the Angel Gabriel manifests God’s grace to man, the ultimate wisdom, and ultimate beauty of expression. In short, the true Word of God.
The QUR’AN presents to man a complete and comprehensive way of life, and teaches that all life should be lived in obedience to God, and not partly to God and partly to Caesar. The Qura’nic thesis is that all life, being God-driven, is a unity and that problems of the flesh and of the mind, of sex and economics, of individual righteousness and social equity are intimately connected with man’s hopes of salvation and life after death.
The QUR’AN teaches that man is born sinless and pure. He is not held accountable for any wrongs the first man and woman on earth have committed. No man shall bear the burden of another. No one died or dies for your sins, particularly those that you are not guilty off or pays the price for you to get you off the hook. As magnanimous as vicarious atonement may sound, blood sacrifices are not natural, humane, religious or Godly. According to the QUR’AN man is accountable for his own deeds or misdeeds and it is only the Almighty God in His infinite Mercy who can forgive man for transgressing against himself, others, his society, and God’s guidance to him.
The QUR’AN also teaches that every person is born a Muslim. All the prophets that Allah sent as teachers and role models to humanity were also Muslims. This is all the more necessary to understand, as the terms “Islam and Muslim” have unfortunately attained a restricted, historically circumscribed significance as applying exclusively to a particular community and people. It should however be borne in mind that when the contemporaries of the prophet Muhummed (Peace be upon him) heard these terms, they understood them as denoting man’s “self-surrender” to God without limiting these terms to any specific community or denomination.
For example, in Surah Al-e-Imran 3:67 where Abraham (Peace be upon him) is spoken of as having “surrendered himself to God”, or in Surah Al-e-Imran 3:52, where the disciples of Jesus say, “Bear thou witness that we have surrendered ourselves unto God” (Bi-Anna Muslimun). In Arabic, this original meaning has remained unimpaired and no Arab scholar has ever become oblivious of the wide connotation of these terms.
The QUR’AN enlightens us that the Almighty God sent His prophets with the message of Islam to humanity. Each and every prophet brought the same message, which was Islam, for its own time and place. Islam means peace or submission to the will or way of God.
It is a misnomer to belief that Islam is a new religion. The QUR’AN is God’s final testament to humanity and the fulfillment of His grace, mercy, and bounty that He sent His final messenger Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) as a mercy unto all creatures. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was the last of the divine Prophets sent to mankind that began with Prophet Adam (Peace be upon him), the first man on earth.
Are you in search of the truth? Do you want to acquire a sense of peace? Are you looking for a winning lifestyle? Have you found the way that will bring you closer to God and which will lead you to a win/win situation both in this life and the eternal life to come?
The QUR’AN is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIGHT. The proof of the QUR’AN is in its own beauty and nature, and the circumstances in which it was promulgated. The world is challenged to produce a book like it and has not produced one in 1400 years. It is the only revealed book whose text stands pure and uncorrupted today. Read It! It will change your life for the better and forever in a way that will bring you the much needed happiness, peace, salvation, and above all the pleasure and bounty of God and the fulfillment of God’s promise of a trouble free life without end.
Allah knows the best